The Holidays at TJM: How We Celebrate
Our Holiday Traditions!
Rick Cundiff
We love the holidays at TJM. The Christmas tree above stands in our lobby this year. In the spirit of the season, we asked our staff how and what they celebrate. We asked a few questions:
- Which holiday(s) do you celebrate? Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, other?
- Any special family holiday traditions?
- Any special holiday foods?
- Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
- Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
- Most Memorable Encounter with Santa?
- Favorite Holiday TV special or movie?
Last but not least, would you rather:
A.) Receive a fruitcake each Christmas for the next six years? OR
B.) Hear that darn Mariah Carey song three times a day for the next six weeks?
Matt Fischer
Which holiday(s)?
We celebrate Christmas, but we also make time for Toyotathon.
Nothing out of the ordinary. We are one of those families that have a pickle ornament that gets hidden in the tree. We don’t do anything when it's found. It just exists.
Any special holiday foods?
Years ago, I started a holiday tradition of Christmas Mimosas. Having to do multiple Christmases in multiple houses, having a little something to take the edge off always made for a smoother holiday.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Because of my brother’s birthday on Christmas Eve, we open Christmas gifts on Christmas Day.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
My parents had the same artificial tree for almost 30 years. They finally got a new one when the artificial tree was shedding as much as a real tree. My dad kept saying “they just don’t make em like they used to” unironically, as his reasoning to not upgrade to a pre-lit tree.
This year I plan on cutting down a Florida Sand Pine for our tree. Ocala National Forest has two plots where they grow the sand pines for Christmas trees! We will see if this becomes a new tradition.
Memorable Santa Encounter?
I just remember my parents driving us north to the next, larger town, as the Santa in their mall was “better” than the one we had in our mall.
Favorite TV special or movie?
Hands down: "Friday After Next." It is the best Christmas movie ever and I watch it religiously every single Christmas Eve to get in the spirit. [Editor’s Note: See partial plot summary below, courtesy of another Matt]
Mariah or Fruitcake?
Always go with the free food option. A it is, by a long shot. Christmas music is only enjoyable on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to me.
Matt Maio
Which holiday(s)?
I myself celebrate Christmas, but Festivus is a close second. I’m more of a Festivite by name only, as I don’t have a Festivus pole on display or take part in the standard Festivus celebrations.
We always do some sort of surf and turf on Christmas Eve. Normally we have steak and baked scallops.
Any special holiday foods?
Pork Pie!! Its basically just seasoned ground pork in a pie shell with some sauteed onions. That goes on my plate right next to the turkey and the gravy covers them both. My mother in law makes it every year. Also jumbo shrimp cocktail is a staple Thanksgiving appetizer for us. The bigger the shrimp, the better.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Christmas Day.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
I prefer an artificial tree. There’s already so much to clean up after Christmas is over that its nice to be able to just box it up when we’re done and put it back in the shed. I’ve never had a real tree, so maybe I just don’t know what I’m missing.
Memorable Santa Encounter?
One time on Christmas Eve, Santa broke into me and my cousin’s apartment and stole our rent money. I walked into the living room and he’s just chilling in the kitchen making a big sandwich. We had a bit of a tussle, but not loud enough to wake my cousin up. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure if this actually happened or was in a movie. [Editor’s Note: See “Favorite Movie” of previous Matt.]
Favorite TV special or movie? The best Christmas movie of all time [Editor’s Note: See “Favorite Movie” of previous Matt.]
Fruitcake or Mariah?
Fruitcake is an abomination against our creator. I’ll listen to MiMi belt out “All I Want For Christmas” on full blast three times a day before I’ll touch that vile concoction.
Emily Minor
Which holiday(s)?
Any special holiday foods?
For the past 3 or so years, we've started doing appetizers instead of a meal on Christmas, that way we can snack all day.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Christmas Day, my family draws out the anticipation.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
Artificial, because my pets like to attack/eat the tree
Favorite TV special or movie?
My family keeps "A Christmas Story" playing, starting once on Christmas Eve and the entire Christmas Day.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
Mariah, for sure, It already plays in my head that much if not more.
Rick Cundiff
Which holiday(s)?
We celebrate Christmas. Whenever possible, my wife and I gather with family and friends to celebrate together. It’s not always easy with family in the Midwest and us in Florida, but we do our best.
We put up our outdoor lights as soon as possible after Thanksgiving. It involves a ladder, middle-aged me climbing it, falling lights, a fair amount of swearing, and the occasional minor injury. The neighbors find it quite entertaining. The lights remain up and on every night until after my wife’s birthday in mid-January.
Any special holiday foods?
Cornbread dressing, my grandmother’s recipe. Not stuffing – that goes in the bird. This gets made in a separate pan. It involves a lot of dried sage. It’s just not Christmas without it.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
When I was a child, Christmas Eve. Now, Christmas Day.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
Depends on whether we’re traveling. If we’re home, it’s a real one, and like the lights, it stays up through my lovely bride’s birthday.
Memorable Santa Encounter?
I witnessed this one a few years ago in Atlanta. A certain gentleman and his wife were traveling and stopped for dinner. The restaurant was dimly lit, and the gentleman was shall we say, Santa-esque in shape, had a beard and was wearing a red shirt. A couple walked in with a little girl, no more than 3 years old and sat down at the table beside the couple. The little girl was sure the gentleman was Santa, and was thrilled throughout the meal. She said “I love you, Santa,” more than once.
The gentleman did his best to play along a bit, but really wanted to simply eat his dinner and converse with his wife. The family finished first, and as they were leaving, said gentleman unleashed a hearty HO-HO-HO. The little girl’s eyes grew wide over her dad’s shoulder. She knew it was Santa!
There are some folks who say the fellow looked a lot like me….
Favorite TV special or movie?
In no particular order, Rudolph (1964 Rankin-Bass animated), A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 animated) and Olive the Other Reindeer.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
Team Fruitcake, 100%. I can’t take that song, and fruitcakes make great doorstops.
Lena Ruotolo
Which holiday(s)?
Christmas, but five times over. Seriously, between my parents/stepparents, grandparents, my husband’s parents, and my husband’s extended family, we have three days of about 2 Christmases each.
My stepmom will give all the kids and spouses pajamas for Christmas, every year, without fail.
Any special holiday foods?
Not on my side, but my husband’s extended family always has lasagna for Christmas. Which is kind of funny, because it’s MY family that’s the Italian one!
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Because of the three days of Christmas thing, we open gifts both/whenever everyone gathers together. Christmas is kind of less a “do it on the day” thing for my family, and a “do it when everyone can actually be together” sort of thing. It’s hard to get everyone together when the smallest gathering will usually still have eight people!
Real or Artificial Tree?
We are a house divided. I prefer the ease of an artificial tree, but my husband prefers a real tree. We have an artificial tree, but if we have enough time to get and set up a real one, we’ll leave the fake one in the closet. This year, though, it’s artificial.
Favorite TV Special or Movie?
I’m very partial to the 1964 Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It’s a tie between that one and the 2000 version of the Grinch. The one with Jim Carrey in it.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
The easiest question you could have asked me! “All I Want for Christmas is You” is my husband’s favorite Christmas song. I hear it three times a day from Thanksgiving Day until New Year’s. [Editor’s Note: See below.] One less fruitcake can go to waste.
Chance Miller
Which holiday(s)?
I celebrate Christmas, though, I do try and do something for the winter solstice as well.
The tradition of running around trying to make it to as many family gatherings as possible.
Any special holiday foods?
Whatever my wife, Lena, bakes. Usually cookies which are always very tasty.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
We do both. Non-stop gift opening madness. But I prefer Christmas Eve.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
I usually like real ones because of the smell. BUT, we got a fake LED one this year and I can program it to do different light shows, sooooo... I'm probably Team Fake now. I can always buy tree scents to dangle from it.
Memorable Santa Encounter?
Well, I walked out of my room one time a little too soon...
Favorite TV special or movie?
Rudolph is my fav.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
Of course the Mariah Carey song. I like to start dethawing her in October just in time to play “All I Want For Christmas” from Thanksgiving through the New Year. [Editor’s Note: Chance is joking. He does not actually keep Mariah Carey in a freezer from January to October… as far as we know.]
Vito Giammanco
Which holiday(s)?
Tree goes up after Thanksgiving and come down the day after New Year’s.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both, we open one present on Christmas Eve, and the rest the morning of.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree? Fake.
Favorite TV special or movie? Elf. It is a great heartwarming comedy for the holidays
Fruitcake or Mariah?
Fruitcake is terrible and I support Chance and his terrible music choices. [Editor’s Note: True friendship knows no bounds.]
Deanna Thomas
Which holiday(s)?
DECORATING! That's a tradition right? 16 years and each year we add to our decorations....running out of house and yard.
Any special holiday foods?
Any and all foods are welcome for the holidays, but we make peppermint cream cheese mints as a family that we share with extended family.
Opening presents – Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Christmas Day.
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
Always a real tree, artificial is not allowed in our house.
Favorite TV special or movie?
All the old Christmas Santa/Rudolph cartoons.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
I'll take the fruitcake.
Justin MacDonald
Which Holiday(s)?
We certainly celebrate Christmas in our household, but we also often partake in some celebrations from Hanukkah (lighting a menorah/eating latkes), Kwanzaa (ears of corn, reflecting on the seven principles of Nguzo Saba), and Festivus (feats of strength and airing of the grievances).
My wife likes to buy everyone pajamas, and we sit down and watch a movie together with hot chocolate.
Any special holiday foods?
Not particularly. Although I certainly love making sure we have a meat and cheese tray at some point.
Opening presents -- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
What? Christmas Day. What kind of question is this? Certainly there is no one that opens them on Christmas Eve. RIGHT?!
Real or Artificial Christmas tree?
Personal preference is a real tree, financial obligation lends itself to an artificial. There is no tree shaming in our household!
Memorable Santa Encounter?
It was Christmas Eve and my oldest daughter was starting to lose her belief in Santa. She was questioning his existence in front of her younger siblings and I wanted to divert the conversation, so I asked her to go outside with me to look for Santa’s sleigh.
My plan was to explain to her my thoughts on Santa away from her siblings. We went out into the yard and laid down to look up at the sky and before I could even speak, we saw a HUGE shooting star go across the sky. Her head snapped to me and she said something along the lines of “I CAN’T BELIEVE WE JUST SAW HIM.” That got me another year or two of magic with her.
Favorite TV special or movie?
I honestly cannot narrow this down to one. I’d like to select “All of the above” please.
Fruitcake or Mariah?
THREE TIMES A DAY? What kind of monster would do that? Who in the WORLD would limit me to only three times a day of hearing the Christmas Queen’s absolute banger?
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.