Thanksgiving 2024: What We're Thankful For
Each November, we count our blessings. Here are some of the things we're grateful for this Thanksgiving.
Rick Cundiff
Here at TJM, it’s our tradition every November to share what we’re thankful for. We always manage to come up with plenty of things. Here’s what we’re thankful for this year:
Shannon Moore
Starting off by saying thankful for Google ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
I've got the traditional "F" things to be thankful for: family, friends, and food on the table. But I am also grateful for the various opportunities life likes to throw at me. I get to learn new skill sets and things I didn't think I wanted to learn.
Newest thing is working on my cooking/menu building skills. Re-navigating life with a newborn that's nursing and making sure my needs, his needs, and our other family members are covered has been challenging. Anyone that knows me though, probably knows I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this one
Vito Giammanico
I am thankful for second chances.
Courtney Cole
This time last year, I was thankful for my healthy pregnancy with my now almost-one-year old twins. It has been a great year for all of us. So I am thankful for their health and happiness this year. I would also have to say that I am extremely thankful for my friends and family for being my village this year. Being a first time momma has not come without its ups and downs, and having everyone around has been the biggest blessing.
Justin MacDonald
This is an easy one! I am INCREDIBLY grateful for the TJM employees. I am not just saying that because it’s some boilerplate thing to say, but I am genuinely grateful for each and every person who wakes up and decides to give their best to TJM every day of the business week and sometimes even more. There’s currently no single piece of the puzzle that we could do without and still have a running company. I am thankful for you all!
Matt Fischer
It’s gonna be the same as previous years, because well, it’s what I am continually thankful for.
I am thankful for my wonderful, smart, healthy, and hilarious daughter. She brightens up my day with her smile and giggles and brings my wife and me so much happiness and joy watching her grow develop her personality.
I am also thankful for my loving and supportive wife. She stands by me and supports me in my ventures, she holds down the fort when I decide to go on stupid adventures like running with the bulls in Spain, and she is the most thoughtful, caring, and attentive mother to our child. She still laughs at my jokes, holds me accountable for my actions, and loves us both deeply.
Lastly, I am thankful for my solid group of friends, some of which I have known for decades. I am blessed to have a core group of friends I can count on for their support, honesty, generosity, as well as always being down to have a good time, whenever. I am surrounded by loving relationships and laughter and think of myself as truly blessed to have what I have.
Sandy Matolo
This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for my parents who have stepped up as caretakers for my son, while I work in office. Thankful for my son who raises my blood pressure and makes me super proud at the same time. After working remotely for about four years, I'm thankful for my first Florida job that happens to be in office, and of course for my wonderful coworkers, who make it a pleasant experience.
Rick Cundiff
Where do I begin? I’m blessed beyond measure. I’m especially thankful for my wonderful wife Heatherann, the light and love of my life. I’m thankful for friends both old and new, and the positive energy they bring to my life. I’m thankful that both my dad and Heatherann’s are alive and well in their 80s.
I’m thankful for the music that fills the universe and the universal language it provides. I’m thankful for the three cats who sit on a kitty condo by my desk and supervise my work every day (although I could do with a bit less of them walking across my keyboard).
And I am happily thankful for Stromboli, the “little” (30 lbs. and growing) brown puppy who joined our family in August. His joyous enthusiasm for every single part of life and each new discovery is contagious, even if his nickname is “Steamroller.”
Sean Bottass
I have so much to be thankful for, but I will have to say my family. And when I say family, I mean my mom and two sisters, my immediate family. We have gone through everything under the sun and have come out on top.
My mom had to take care of the three of us for years with little help, and never gave up, always wanting more from us. I will never forget or undermine my mom, I love her so much.
Now, on to my older sister who was a huge inspiration for me when I was younger, and still to this day is. She really had to take on that older sibling role, almost becoming a second mom for me and my sister, so I respect and cherish her and wish I could give back that time.
And for my younger sister, whom I pester, she has allowed me to be her big brother guiding her where I can and showing her that I will always have her back through anything. This is my family, and I love them with all my heart.
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.