Parental Advice – This Month, it’s Dad’s Turn!
Dad-vice -- noun. Advice offered by a Dad. Much like Dad jokes, can be either good or bad. See examples.
Rick Cundiff
Last month, we asked our TJM family to give us examples of advice from Mom, in honor of Mother’s Day. Our moms proved very wise indeed. This month, with Father’s Day just behind us, we’re giving Dad the same opportunity. Herewith is a sampling of advice – both good and bad – from our Dads:
Denaja Horn
Dad bad advice: “Try it and you'll like it.” Wrong, I still don't like it.
Rick Cundiff
My dad’s really smart, an adventurer, a world traveler. However, he’s also kind of a technophobe. So when I was deciding on a college major and thinking about computer science, he said. “Don’t major in that. They’ll soon be making computers that can program themselves. There won’t be any money in it.”
This was in the pre-PC, pre-MS-DOS, pre-Apple days. I could have been retired on a nice tropical island somewhere by now….
Shannon Moore
Dads are dads. Mine is great. But sometimes (almost all of the time) he enjoys the "let's find out" method of teaching/ learning/ project completion. He's phenomenal at teaching my kids terrible table manners, like showing your food while eating, and pestering people when it's unexpected.
All in all though, I still go to him often for advice. Sometimes it's pertaining to handling different people situations, because he's never met a stranger. A lot of times it's help with DIY. I suppose I'll keep him as my dad and not trade him in, for now at least.
Matt Fischer
My Dad always gave sage advice, but he is a jokester like me and so he would just always say things just to be funny. Often, he would just intentionally mix up old, well-known sayings to get a rise out of who ever was around him at the time. They would likely correct him, and he would just laugh it off. I think the humor comes from the other parties taking him seriously with what he was saying.
For example, anytime he would be helping anyone move: “Now remember, you’re gonna want to lift with your back, NOT your knees!” Or any time someone would be cutting something: “Its like they say, measure once and cut twice.”
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.