Get to Know TJM – Marching, April Fools and Are Peeps … Good?
Marching, March Hare, Peeps -- Makes perfect sense to us!
Rick Cundiff
We asked our staff this month about their experiences with marching, memorable April Fools' Day pranks and what they thought of Peeps. Here are our thoughts:
Shannon Moore
I can't say there have been any great April Fools' jokes that I've experienced, or ones that are memorable enough (not hard to miss with my memory).
I hate to admit it, but I do like Peeps. But no, they aren't food.
The closest to marching that I can remember would be high knees in soccer practice ... or maybe when I was a kid playing with my parents?
Johnathan Henry
Best April Fools' Day joke: Telling my mom that there was a spider on her, and the result being her freaking out.
Rick Cundiff
Most Memorable April Fools' Day experience: A coworker once decided it would be funny to put a rubber band on the sprayer in our break room sink. I turned on the water expecting it to flow from the faucet, and got sprayed instead. I found it considerably less amusing than the coworker did.
As for Peeps, I’m not really a fan. They just don’t taste like much. My wife loves them, but she insists on opening the package and letting them get stale for a couple of weeks before eating. Says it improves the flavor and texture. Who am I to argue?
When it comes to marching, I have many (mostly) fond memories of marching in junior high and high school bands. (Saxes rule!) Lots of parades, football games and the like. We had a really elaborate routine sophomore year in high school, and it looked great on the field (better than the football team, which didn't win a game that year.)
And those wool band uniforms? Not bad for the town Christmas parade, miserable for the Fourth of July parade.
Matt Fischer
Peeps are trash.
Kristen McKenney
I used to work with a guy who liked to draw pictures with his finger in the pollen dust that collected on my car. Back then I had a black car that I didn't take to the car wash that often. I didn't mind, and I actually thought some of the pictures were kind of funny. One April Fools, I walked out to my car after work half-expecting to see some doodles, but instead, he had just finished wrapping it up completely in industrial plastic-wrap. We had a good laugh, and he helped me cut it off the car.
I loved Peeps when I was a kid, but idk what happened ... I just sort of outgrew them. Now I get to watch my kids enjoy them. They have all kinds of interesting flavors now (so I hear). I do occasionally freeze regular marshmallows and eat them as a snack. Does that count?
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.