Custom Promo Products for Wedding Business
Custom promos boost brand awareness for wedding suppliers
Rick Cundiff
Happy Wedding Season!
Wait, what? Wedding Season?
If you don’t know what that means, ask any florist, caterer or event planner. Weddings are a big part of their business this time of year.
And if you ARE a florist, caterer or event planner, you know that your business is intensely competitive, whether you’re in a metropolis or a small town. That’s why you need innovative ways to market your skills, products and services.
With a little research, it’s easy to discover affordable, cost-effective ways to promote your business and get your name and logo out to customers. Let’s review a few of them.
Business Card Alternatives
Start with your business cards. Are you maximizing their impact? If you’re still using old-fashioned paper business cards, probably not.
Consider instead business card magnets. Hand them out to prospects and you’ve given potential customers something they can use. They can stick them on their fridge or filing cabinet to hold important paperwork such as contracts. And there’s your business name and contact info right in front of them.
Not feeling it? OK, go for custom business card coins. Custom coins can carry the same information that a paper business card can, but in a more attractive way. You can add color to your logo, and even use 3-D designs if you want.
Both magnets and custom coins make a better impression than paper business cards for a simple reason. They have weight. That implies that they have an intrinsic value that a piece of paper doesn’t carry. It makes it harder to throw them away, either accidentally or on purpose. With an attractive design, they’re hard to miss.
Other Considerations
Want to make your staff look more professional? Custom printed lanyards and I.D. badges identify them to your customers, and give your business a sense of stability.
If the bride and groom have a particular cause that they support, custom wristbands are an excellent way to promote it. Silicone wristbands have been popular for years as a way to support medical research, homelessness prevention, veterans’ causes and many more worthy issues.
Wristbands are economical enough that you can have one for every invited guest. And you can even have your contact info printed on the inside. That could be the key to getting more business later when it’s the happy couple’s friends’ turn to tie the knot.
You do at least have your staff wearing shirts custom printed with your name or logo, don’t you? If they’re not wearing t-shirts or polos with your business on them, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to get your name known.
When it’s all about getting your name out in front, there are plenty of affordable ways to do so. You can have economical, socially appropriate marketing tools at your fingertips with just a simple phone call! For more information about how custom products can boost your business this wedding season, click here.
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.