Create a Logo To Boost Your Brand Identity
A signature logo is a powerful way to build brand awareness
Rick Cundiff
We spend a lot of time talking about the importance of promoting your brand. Marketing experts agree a brand logo is an important part of raising customer awareness. And of course, we can imprint your logo on just about any kind of promotional product you can imagine.
But what if your business or other organization doesn’t yet have a logo? How do you create one that’s meaningful and that will promote your marketing efforts?
To create a memorable logo takes a bit of planning. The visual image your company projects can strongly influence how perceptions of your brand and products. By following a few simple steps, you can craft a logo that will help create a positive image for your organization and boost your bottom line.
Begin with an overview.
Start by thinking beyond your products or service. Why does your company exist? What do you want the customer to think of when they consider your brand?
Don’t get bogged down. Consider the idea that you’re selling. If you’re selling widgets, don’t focus just on the widgets. What do you want customers to feel when they see your logo?
Take an insurance company, for example. You most likely want your logo to convey a sense of strength and stability. It certainly works for Prudential – “The Rock.”
Think about what you see as your company’s reason to exist.
Go beyond just what you sell. Why do you sell it? Brainstorm a dozen or so descriptive words for your brand. Then narrow those down and sketch what comes to mind.
Remember, you don’t always have to be literal. Consider a different way to represent what your business is about.
For example, the logo of a local horse transport company here in our hometown features just five lines. None of the lines intersect, yet they perfectly capture a recognizable image of a horse.
The company could have gone with a common portrait style of the animal. Their choice is far more memorable – which is exactly what you want your logo to be.
Choose and use colors carefully.
If your company’s products have a signature color, be sure to include that in your logo. For example, the Tennant Company, a global manufacturer of industrial cleaning equipment, uses a signature shade of blue for everything it makes. It’s common sense that the logo would be the same.
Tennant also follows another basic rule – use colors sparingly. Too many colors muddy the image you’re looking for and distract the viewer. Tennant permits a limited choice of accent colors to complement the main color.
A good general rule when designing your logo is to limit your design to three colors. That helps ensure a strong image with little distraction.
Keep Scalability in Mind
Think about all the places your logo will be used. You want something that can look good on everything from business cards to billboards. A well-designed logo will be visible and recognizable at any size.
Get a Second (or Third or Fourth) Opinion
Before committing to a particular logo design, it’s helpful to get some feedback. Discuss it with others within your company or department. Share with trusted friends. Find out what people think about it, and keep an open mind. Valued insights can help you refine your concept.
Commit to the Logo
Once your logo is ready, put it where people can see it! We offer a full range of promotional products that you can use to promote your brand including custom pens, golf items, mugs, apparel, patches, coins and much, much more. If you’re ready to show your logo to the world, we can help. Find out more here.
Rick Cundiff
Content Director, Blogger
Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.